June 28, 2006

Musical Notes

Any reference to music has to begin with a reference to Pandora Radio , one of the greatest things to happen in the online music world . In the field of suggested music , Pandora is the tops , it allows you to create your own music station , in fact a 100 of them , according to your taste and using the music genome research , suggests music similar to that . Very impressive , exposes a number of unknown artists .
Lastfm is another great option but somehow I feel it is too influenced by uninformed people. It works on a sytem of tags , so if everyone goes and tas Kenny G as jazz , your jazz listening experience is doomed .
So I stick to Pandora . There is a little bit of advertising , links to amazon.com ,itunes etc but nothing more agressive . Also you don't look at the ads as the music continues in the background even when you are on a different tab ( Naturally a tabbed browser like Firefox ) At the moment I am listening to my Albert Ayler station . The link will take you to the definitive Albert Ayler biography on the net .

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